Parenting Decoded

61 - Bullying - How to Help

November 10, 2023 Season 1 Episode 61
Parenting Decoded
61 - Bullying - How to Help
Show Notes

Kids being bullied isn't new.  What's new is the extent at which they are being bullied and, with the internet, in new and harmful ways.  

In this episode, we'll cover the different types of bullying:
Verbal - teasing, name-calling, taunting, etc.,
Social - spreading rumors, leaving kids out, embarrassing them, etc.
Physical - hitting, spitting, tripping, etc. 
Cyberbullying - using digital devices to cause others harm

Why does bullying occur?

What can families do?

How you can role-play and brainstorm with your child.  

Here are resources referenced in the podcast that are also on the transcript that is available and on my website blog:






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Have a blessed rest of your day!