Parenting Decoded
This podcast will help all parents with kids of all ages to learn how to decode the mysteries and challenges of being a parent in today's challenging times. We will concentrate on practical parenting approaches that you as a parent can use right away! There are tips and tricks as well as plenty of real life stories to help you see that you can make a difference in your family's life in simple yet noticeable ways. In order for your kids to change, you need to change first! The ripple effect is real and lasting. Enjoy the ride!
Parenting Decoded
48 - Cultivating Kindness in Kids
Teresa Ramirez
Season 1
Episode 48
We all want our kids to grow up being kind and courteous. In this episode I talk with Teresa Ramirez, a motivational speaker and Kindness Koach. Listen to lots of fun ideas on how to promote kindness inside and outside your home.
Here's some of the ideas we talk about!
- Model it INSIDE your home
- Use Family Meetings to talk about how to be kind to each other
- Come up with a list of ideas from putting sweet notes in lunch boxes to doing surprise chores for some one
- Make a meal for everyone,
- Give an extra long hug, pick some flowers for someone
- Plan a "date" with one of your family members including taking care of the plans and making all the food
- Model it OUTSIDE your home
- Help neighbors, hold doors open, help someone with packages at a store, pick up garbage a a park
- Do service projects together - help at a fundraiser, work at a food pantry,
- Send letters or draw pictures to friends who are shut-in
- Visit a senior center
- Write fun and cheerful messages with sidewalk chalk outside your home
- Have a lemonade stand to raise funds for a charity or cause
To get to Teresa's Facebook Page and order your FREE BUBBLES OF JOY!:
To read the full article from Happy Family Happy You: 38 ACTS OF KINDNESS
Email me at info@parentingdecoded.com or go to my website at www.parentingdecoded.com.
Have a blessed rest of your day!