Parenting Decoded

48 - Cultivating Kindness in Kids

Teresa Ramirez Season 1 Episode 48

We all want our kids to grow up being kind and courteous.  In this episode I talk with Teresa Ramirez, a motivational speaker and Kindness Koach.  Listen to lots of fun ideas on how to promote kindness inside and outside your home.  

Here's some of the ideas we talk about!

- Model it INSIDE your home

  •  Use Family Meetings to talk about how to be kind to each other 
  • Come up with a list of ideas from putting sweet notes in lunch boxes to doing surprise chores for some one
  • Make a meal for everyone, 
  • Give an extra long hug, pick some flowers for someone
  • Plan a "date" with one of your family members including taking care of the plans and making all the food

- Model it OUTSIDE your home

  • Help neighbors, hold doors open, help someone with packages at a store, pick up garbage a a park
  • Do service projects together - help at a fundraiser,  work at a food pantry,
  • Send letters or draw pictures to friends who are shut-in 
  • Visit a senior center
  • Write fun and cheerful messages with sidewalk chalk outside your home
  • Have a lemonade stand to raise funds for a charity or cause

To get to Teresa's Facebook Page and order your FREE BUBBLES OF JOY!: 

 To read the full article from Happy Family Happy You:  38 ACTS OF KINDNESS

Email me at or go to my website at

Have a blessed rest of your day!