Parenting Decoded
This podcast will help all parents with kids of all ages to learn how to decode the mysteries and challenges of being a parent in today's challenging times. We will concentrate on practical parenting approaches that you as a parent can use right away! There are tips and tricks as well as plenty of real life stories to help you see that you can make a difference in your family's life in simple yet noticeable ways. In order for your kids to change, you need to change first! The ripple effect is real and lasting. Enjoy the ride!
Parenting Decoded
66 - Young Kids (Toddler to Preschool) and Chores, Life Skills and Teaching Independence
Mary Eschen
Season 1
Episode 66
How much can a 2-, 3- or 4-year-old do? What can they do? They’re so little, right? A toddler? A preschooler? What’s reasonable? What’s not? Are you doing too much as a parent?
All good questions for sure that most of us struggle with! In this podcast we explore what’s reasonable to encourage and train young kids to do from chores to life skills that will build self-confidence and independence.
Here's the list of ideas we cover:
Personal accomplishments:
- Feed themselves
- Pack backpack
- Make bed
- Pick out clothes
- Put clothes in hamper
- Wash their own hands by themselves
Family Contributions
- Setting the table
- Clearing dishes
- Vacuuming
- Dusting
- Fold socks
- Load laundry and start machine
- Unload/put away dishes
- Wash windows
- Take care of pets
- Simple cooking tasks
Outdoor tasks
- Pull weeds
- Rake leaves
- Water plants
Personal Growth
- Learn how to have Solo Play Time
- Have "Reading Time" on their own
- Learn to ride a Balance Bike
Be Assistant to Mom or Dad - these are done with JOY and with Mom or Dad, not alone
- Help make a meal
- Pick up dog poop or clean litter box
- Help take out the trash
- Garden - sweep, dig, plant
- Clean - bathroom, mop floor
Email me at info@parentingdecoded.com or go to my website at www.parentingdecoded.com.
Have a blessed rest of your day!