Parenting Decoded

8 - Nighttime Battles: Teens and Tweens

March 28, 2020 Mary Eschen Season 1 Episode 8

In this podcast we about how to handle sleep for our tweens and teens and why sleep seems to be so difficult for them biologically and socially.  I want to give you some ideas about how to react and manage both your expectations and theirs regarding this really essential part of their growing years. With the stresses in our environment today the impact of sleep on our mental health and immune system is super important for us to pay attention to so I hope these ideas will smooth out a few issues in your home. 

Some highlights:

  • Academic stress is robbing our kids of sleep
  • Electonics needs to be managed
  • Bedtimes for middle schoolers are fine
  • No required bedtimes for high schoolers since we need them to learn how to manage their sleep.  
  • Help to have input into their wake-up times instead of when they go to bed
  • If they are grumpy in the morning give them empathy and offer to help 
  • Plan Special Time with your teen to allow for one-on-one brainstorming about issues
  • Most importantly have a relationship with your teen, no yelling or nagging!


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Have a blessed rest of your day!