Parenting Decoded

18 - Distanced Learning During COVID

Season 1 Episode 18

I'm in California where parents are going through setting up and managing distanced learning in their homes since almost no schools are doing in-person learning. 

This podcast will cover these areas:
1 - Physical LEARNING AREA - how to organize it, get rid of distractions, provide a quiet area to focus, how and when to charge and test devices, and how to keep online safety in your home in mind

2 - Establish clear routines - have daily and weekly schedules, post them, have morning and afternoon "check-in" sessions, figure out how to deal with time using timers and alarms
Pinterest Schedules Link

3 - Encourage independence - let your kids know their work is their work! Let the teacher teach while letting your child own their own work and learn how to ask the teacher for help with they get stuck or bored

4 - Support family learning - have fun using learning for tasks like cooking, gardening, laundry and vacuuming!  Be creative to see that learning can be fun and go on when kids aren't online.  Most importantly,  have some ideas for activities if there are problems getting online or doing school work.  Here are some links to my Pinterest pages with ideas:

5 - Lead your team with Family Meetings to talk about issues like - when quiet times are, how to interrupt mom or dad while they're working, how do have time with friends and special time with parents. 

The point with all of this is to provide some structure and be flexible to solve problems as they come up. 

Email me if you'd like to brainstorm ideas for your situation:


Email me at or go to my website at

Have a blessed rest of your day!